This one is for Ryan and Cam ---
Sometimes you see things in a different country that look very strange and yet slightly familiar all at the same time. I took this picture because I thought you might find it interesting. They are all over town. Some of them are not as bright red as this one, but they are all the same size and shape. Have you guessed what it is?
It is a fire hydrant -- a key fits into the square metal piece on the front, the container opens, and the hydrant is inside. Here they don't use 911 -- calling an ambulance is 115 and calling the police is 117 if you have an emergency.
Monsieur Souris says:
Le mot aujourd'hui est (the word for today is) -- pompier (fireman)
(Monsieur Souris is teaching me a lot of French, so I will share some with you, too.)
Au revoir -- je vais devoir vous laisser.
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